
Loss Assessing - Fire, Flood, Theft, Business Interruption etc.

24 Hour Contact

Rapid Attendance Onsite

Insurance Broker Liaison

Forensic Analysis

Full Claim Management

Site Demolition & Clearance

Asset Disposal

Acquiring Alternative or Temporary Premises

Full Range or Architectural and Building Surveying Services

Project Management

Valuations of Building, Plant & Machinery

About LCS Kings

At LCS KINGS we work hard to ensure your claim is our priority.  We are totally independent and very professional in our approach.Fireman on Ladder

  • Acting exclusively on behalf of claimants
  • Determined to protect the best interests of our client
  • Ambitious and forward thinking
  • Staffed by highly qualified, experienced personnel with major resources at their disposal
  • Comitted to providing the best service possible, regardless of the size of your claim
  • Offering immediate attention at partner level to ensure you receive advice and assistance at a time when you need it most
  • Available throughout the UK and overseas.


Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority 

Registration No. 310619